The applications of market developed in the years have brought us to develop different applications, become product with the purpose to convert signals.
The principal converters of signal developed and products are :
Converter RS232 <–> RS422/RS485
Converter RS232 <–> Ethernet
Converter RS232 <–> Wi-Fi
Converter RS232 <–> Lin
Converter RS232 <–> Bluetooth LE
The converters of signal produced are customizable and integrable in your own application in development.
CONVERTER RS232 — RS485 /Rs422:
Contact us for detais and products customizations.
Functional characteristics
SLC3 is an adapter of two-way interface among serial lines of communication RS232 and RS422/RS485.
The converter SLC3 adapts the electric greatness of the different standards without effecting some transcoding of characters, for this, it results transparent to all the codes and protocols both in synchronous way that asynchronous.
It possesses two channels of transmission and 2 channels of receipt that can indifferently be used for data and/or signal of handshake. In the case of connections multidrop RS422 or RS485 a channel is normally used for the transmission and a channel of receipt while the control of the bus (activation / deactivation driver of transmission) is realized through the signal of handshake RTS.
The galvanic separation among the line RS232 and the lines RS422/RS485 makes the converter
particularly proper in serious industrial environments and it resolves the due problems to
differences of potential among the various equipments connected between them.
The leds on the frontal panel allow the continuous monitoring of the lines of transmission/
receipt and of the signals of handshake, particularly useful in phase of installation and maintenance
of the plants.
Through dip-switch is possible to choose the way of conversion RS232-RS422 or RS232-RS485 and
to insert the loads of termination lines.
Contact us for detais and products customizations.
Functional characteristics
Products modules are customizables in according to the demands.
They allow to integrate the more evolved technologies of communication to today present market:
for the development or the production of new applications.
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